Cēsis is truly not only one of the oldest but also one of the most Latvian towns. Rich in picturesque landscapes and testimonies of the past, it embodies both an intriguing sense of antiquity and modern self-esteem. Cēsis and its district are among the most attractive temptations for travellers in Vidzeme. In all seasons people who appreciate the historical and cultural heritage, natural beauty of the landscape and the peaceful small town life rhythm, visits Cēsis.
Since long ago Cēsis is known as the town rich with its cultural and historical heritage, art treasures and excellent cultural traditions and it has not been concealed from the eyes of travellers. The values on which the district of Cēsis bases its future is culture, education, tourism and creative entrepreneurship.
Cēsis – it is a celebration – contemporary art exhibitions during Cēsis Art Festival time, medieval activities and knights in Medieval festival, and the warm summer evening concerts on open-air stage in the Castle Park. Cēsis – one of the most beautiful towns of Latvia. In summer it tempts with the unspoiled nature of the Gauja Valley, breath of the Middle Ages and modern art, and in winter - invites us to visit the largest ski centre in the Baltics which impresses with its variety of tracks and the longest descents in the region.
Cēsis was founded in 1206 and it is the third oldest town in Latvia. According to the evidence, Cēsis was inhabited from the fourth century. It experienced a rapid growth in times of the Livonian Order, when the town became the capital of Livonia and the main centre of development of Vidzeme. In 1323, Cēsis obtained town rights. Since the 14th century, Cēsis is a member of the Hanseatic League. Since the end of the 19th century Cēsis is known as a centre of art culture and recreation, and now Cēsis is an important cultural and artistic centre on the regional and the national level. The cultural environment of Cēsis is influenced by cultural and historical heritage, made up by Cēsis Medieval castle, the Old town of Cēsis with the remaining street network, masonry, ancient manors and wooden villas built on the banks of river Gauja.

Event Director - Jānis Lazdāns
Event Secretary - Inese Purgaile
Finances - Ģirts Mamis
IT Manager - Kārlis Osis
Media - Aija Pakalna
Training - Ritvars Karpikovs
Arena manager - Gunārs Ikaunieks
Accommodation - Ildze Straume
Transport - Māris Heinols
Start manager - Juris Knēts
Map maker Middle, Relay - Leonīds Malankovs
Map maker Sprint - Igors Bužs
Map controller Middle, Relay - Edmunds Zvaigzne
Map controller Sprint - Ainars Lagzdiņš
Course planner Middle - Aigars Leiboms
Course planner Relay, Sprint - Juris Knēts
Main speaker - Andris Rupais, Ivars Bacis
TV production - Kārlis Kārliņš, Ltd Vidikom
TV director - Karel Jonak, Gearbox production s.r.o.
Satellite Services - Sander Lang, Telemode OU
IOF Livestream commentator - Jonas Merz, Jonas Mathys
Arenas screen - Roberts Jurgenbergs
GPS-tracking - GPSseuranta.net
IOF Senior Event Adviser - Rimas Jovaisas, LTU
IOF Assistant SEA - Vitalijus Paulauskas, LTU
Event Controller - Guntars Mankus, LAT
Janos Manarin, ITA
Radek Novotný, CZE
Juris Cebulis, LAT
whole day | Training opportunities | |
16:00 - 20:00 | World Cup Office is open | Cēsis Primary School No. 2 |
08:00 -21:00 | World Cup Office is open | Cēsis Primary School No. 2 |
whole day | Training opportunities | |
12:00 | Deadline for changes in entries for Middle distance | Eventor |
14:00 - 16:00 | Model Event | Raiskumkrogs |
19:00 | Team Officials' Meeting (TOM) | Cēsis Primary School No. 2 |
10:00 - 17:30 | World Cup Office is open | Arena Ozolkalns |
08:45 - 10:00 | Teams into Quarantine - Middle Distance | Cēsis Primary School No. 2 |
10:00 - 16:00 | World Cup - Middle Distance | Arena Ozolkalns |
16:30 | World Cup - Prize giving ceremony for Middle Distance | Arena Ozolkalns |
18:00 | Deadline for Relay entries | Eventor |
18:00 - 20:00 | World Cup Office is open | Cēsis Primary School No. 2 |
19:00 | Team Officials' Meeting (TOM) | Cēsis Primary School No. 2 |
10:00 - 16:00 | World Cup Office is open | Arena Ozolkalns |
09:00 - 10:00 | Teams into Quarantine - Relay | Arena Ozolkalns |
10:00 - 12:00 | World Cup - Relay Women | Arena Ozolkalns |
12:00 - 14:00 | World Cup - Relay Men | Arena Ozolkalns |
12:00 | Deadline for Sprint distance entries | Eventor |
14:30 | World Cup - prize giving ceremony for Relay | Arena Ozolkalns |
15:00 - 18:30 | Public competiton "Cēsu OPEN" middle distance | Arena Ozolkalns |
17:00 - 20:00 | World Cup Office is open | Cēsis Primary School No. 2 |
19:00 | Team Officials' Meeting (TOM) | Cēsis Primary School No. 2 |
08:00 - 8:45 | Teams into Quarantine - Sprint Qualification | Cēsis Primary School No. 2 |
09:00 - 12:00 | World Cup Office is open | Arena Cēsis |
09:00 - 10:00 | Sprint Qualification - Women | Arena Cēsis |
10:00 - 11:20 | Sprint Qualification - Men | Arena Cēsis |
12:00 - 14:30 | Public competiton "Cēsu OPEN" sprint | Arena Cēsis |
14:45 - 15:30 | Teams into Quarantine - Sprint Final (A,B) | Cēsis Primary School No. 2 |
15:00 - 20:00 | World Cup Office is open | Arena Cēsis |
16:00 - 17:00 | Sprint Final A - Women | Arena Cēsis |
17:00 - 18:00 | Sprint Final A - Men | Arena Cēsis |
18:00 - 19:00 | Sprint Final B - Women/Men | Arena Cēsis |
18:20 | World Cup - prize giving ceremony for Sprint Distance | Arena Cēsis |
The Event Centre will be in Cēsis, in the premises of the Cēsis Primary School No. 2.
Address: Gaujas iela 45, Cēsis, Latvia. Location 57.3090923, 25.2468215. Telephone: ,
e-mail: . Google maps: https://www.google.lv/maps/place/Cēsu+2.+pamatskola/
World Cup Office is located at Event Centre - Cēsis Primary School No. 2. Accreditation and Team Officials’ meetings will be held in these premises. During the event the WC Office moves to arenas. This is the official place where teams can communicate with the organisers (forms, protests etc.). Upon accreditation, the team leaders will have to present the passports of all the athletes of the national team in proof of citizenship of the country of the respective federation (Rule 6.2.).
The teams will be requested to specify the phone number and e-mail address of the contact person in order to facilitate the WCup Office’s communication with teams.
Changes may be made to the entries within the limitations set by the IOF Foot Orienteering Competition Rules 2017. The athletes and be entered and/or changes made to the entries only via Eventor: https://eventor.orienteering.org/Events/Show/5394
12:00 Deadline for Middle distance entries Eventor
18:00 Deadline for Relay entries Eventor
12:00 Deadline for Sprint distance entries Eventor
Prior to granting accreditation to team members, all payments need to be settled. It will be possible to settle any outstanding payments upon accreditation. No cards accepted, cash only.
After having finalised their accreditation at the Event Centre, the teams will receive their information packages. The set will contain:
1) Bulletin 4
2) SI-AIR for each athlete, together with a list of numbers and corresponding names.
They are the same for all races. Please do not mix them up.
3) Model maps.
4) Car passes for the Arena Parking (Middle, relay)
5) Other information about Cēsis
6) Souvenirs
A runner should use only his or her own number bib: the number bibs will be available in the quarantine area before the race. The number bibs should be attached both in the front and on the back, and the number should be clearly visible. It is not allowed to fold the number bib to a smaller size or to cut off a part of it.
All updated information about the competition is in Bulletin 4. Any additional information for each specific race will be provided during the TOM. To run the TOM efficiently and smoothly, team officials are requested to send in their questions no later than 1 hour before the beginning of the meeting, that will allow to include all relevant issues in agenda of the TOM. The questions are to be addressed to Guntars Mankus to e-mail: , or by calling
Doping is forbidden. “Think positive – test negative”! Doping is strictly forbidden and the organisers of the World Cup Round 3 are dedicated to supporting the anti-doping authorities in their work. Doping tests are always carried out in accordance with the procedures described in the WADA International Standard for Testing and Investigations. The IOF Anti-Doping Code and rules and the World Anti-Doping Code apply as of 1st January 2017. Athletes who are selected for the doping tests must bring an official identification (with photo) to the doping test area. The athlete should also bring along their therapeutic use exemption (TUE) if applicable. In general, the athletes must bring along their ID with photo to all the competitions and events. For more information, please consult: http://orienteering.org/anti-doping/ IOF Anti-Doping Rules apply, valid as of January 1, 2017.
Note that, even if the IOF or the organizer have not ordered any tests, anti-doping control can be conducted by other organizations (Anti-doping department of State sports medicine centre in Latvia) without any prior notice.
Only athletes with a valid IOF Licence are allowed to start.
Licence form and Licence payment should be addressed to IOF Office, at the latest, 10 days before the Event to assure a valid licence at the start of the Event. Late licence applications must be addressed to
For more information, please consult: http://orienteering.org/athletes-licence
Complaints should be handed to the organizer in written form as soon as possible after the incident in question, or at latest within 15 minutes of full preliminary results for both classes being posted. Forms for complaints/protests are available at the information desk at the Event Centre. At the competitions, contact the Event Office at the arena.
Any protest shall be presented in writing to the jury no later than 15 minutes after the organiser has informed the complainant of the decision about the complaint. A protest fee of 50 EUR shall be paid to the IOF Senior Event Adviser in cash when making a protest. The fee will be returned if the protest is accepted by the jury. When a protest is signed by more than one Federation, each Federation shall pay the protest fee.
An emergency medical team will be present in the arenas during competitions. In case of injury during the race, the location of the injured athlete should be reported to the closest organiser near a control or at the finish. Every competitor is obliged to assist the injured athlete in the forest. First aid and evacuation is arranged by the emergency medical brigade. In case of any trauma or illness outside the competition hours, please refer to state medical care institutions.
CĒSIS HOSPITAL; Slimnîcas iela 9, Cēsis. Location: 57.3155338, 25.2558779
Working hours: every day 8.00 -20.00
Phone: +. The national emergency number is 112
Media contact person: Aija Pakalna, email: , mobile:
Internet, live services and social media
Homepage wcup2017.lv
Live-stream, IOF livecenter https://liveorienteering.com
Live results https://wcup2017.lv/results
Flower ceremonies will be held immediately after the first three athletes/teams become known. The Arena Speaker will announce the exact time of the ceremony. The athletes should appear for the flower ceremonies in their race outfit. The flower ceremonies will air live on TV, therefore all people engaged should keep closely to the schedule and follow the instructions. At the end of the flower ceremony, the photographers will be allotted time for a brief photo session.
Individual events (Middle distance and Sprint)
The winners of the Middle and Sprint races will be awarded with the WCup Latvia medals, Suunto AIM-6 compasses as well as prizes provided by the organisers. The second and the third competitors will receive medals as well as prizes provided by the organisers. The first six competitors will receive diplomas provided by the IOF.
The winning team will receive a EUR 500 money prize, medals as well as prizes provided by the organisers. The second and the third team will receive medals as well as prizes provided by the organisers. The first six teams will receive diplomas provided by the IOF.
The official prize-giving ceremony will be held after the official results have been approved. The individual athletes and teams placed 1-6 are requested not to leave the Arena before the prize-giving ceremony.
Teams are responsible for organising their own transport. Please follow the signs for parking in the arenas and at quarantine.
The Competition Rules for IOF Foot Orienteering Events (valid from 1 January 2017, as published on the IOF website www.orienteering.org) apply to all competitions.
Middle distance competition. The start order is determined strictly by the standing of the IOF Middle/Long Distance World Rankings as published on 23rd August 2017* (leader starts last). The start interval shall be 90 seconds.
Sprint competition with a qualification and final. The qualification shall consist of three heats, drawn according to the provisions of rule 12.8 (in particular, that as far as possible, the heats shall be equally strong and that athletes from any one country should be distributed as equally as possible between the heats), except that two competitors from the same country may start consecutively in the same heat. The starting order in each qualification race is determined strictly by the standing of the IOF Sprint World Rankings as published on 25th August 2017 (leader starts last) with a start interval of 1 minute. The leading 15 athletes from each heat qualify for the A final and the remaining competitors qualify for the B final, with the starting sequence in each final as determined by rule 12.9.
In relay all Federations can start with a maximum of 3 men’s and 3 women’s teams. Each team consists of 3 team members. Only the best-placed men’s team and best-placed women’s team of each Federation will count for the World Cup result list. Teams with runners from more than one Federation (but still with 3 team members) may participate in relay but will not be placed in the results.
A variety of training possibilities may be prepared before the competitions on request. Examples of training possibilities are available in event website - https://wcup2017.lv/training-opportunities. Contact: Ritvars Karpikovs,
Embargoed areas apply to all potential Orienteering World Cup 2017 Round 3 competitors, team officials, and other persons who, through knowledge of the terrain, may influence the results of the competitions or may be in a position to give information to the team members. The embargoed area can be viewed at https://wcup2017.lv/?ucat=2
One Model Event is organised. The maps will be in the team packaged, to be handed out upon accreditation. There are 10 controls with flags in the terrain without punching stations. The location of parking area: 57.3129335, 25.2236827 (Kvēpenes iela 4, Cēis).
Accommodation booked through organisers should be paid before arrival by bank transfer. It will be possible to pay in the Event Center only in cash.
Please request your reservation by sending e-mail to
Reserved dates are 23-. If additional days are needed, please let us know ASAP, as places might not be available closer to summer!
Food court will operate at Arena Ozolkalns. At Arena Cēsis additional food court will not be organized as there are many dining opportunities in Cēsis city.
Where to eat in Cēsis - http://turisms.cesis.lv/en/where-to-eat/
More information can be found at https://wcup2017.lv/accomodation/
There are no regulations regarding clothing.
SPORTident Air+ (SIAC) touch-free punching system will be used in all disciplines. Air+ chips will be provided by the organisers. In the unlikely situation of SIAC failing to register in touch free mode, the competitor has to perform the direct punch by placing the SIAC chip into SPORTident station. If station fails to respond then backup mechanical pin punch on the map should be made.
Timing system
SPORTident timing system will be used. In middle, relay and sprint qualification the timing will be done to whole seconds and the competitors time will be measured when crossing the finish line, no additional finish punch is required. In sprint final timing with 0,1s accuracy will be done and start gate for start time trigger will be used.
GPS tracking
40 athletes in each class in middle and sprint final will be GPS tracked as well as selected number of relay teams. If an athlete is selected for GPS tracking he/she must carry the GPS-device. Athletes selected for GPS tracking will be published together with the start lists. GPS vests for selected runners needs to be collected by competitors or team leaders at Quarantine check-in and returned after each race. Team will be charged for not returned vests. Notice that only non-permanent adjustments to the vests with tape or similar are allowed. GPS devices will be given out by organisers at the start and collected at the finish.
Fine for not returned, lost or broken SIAC, GPS or GPS vest - 100eur.
The Arena located at: 57.2943257, 25.2226746

The Arena located at: 57.3132315, 25.2748685

The Arena located at: 57.3132315, 25.2748685

Maps are drawn according to the International Specification for Orienteering Maps (ISOM 2000) and the International Specification for Sprint Orienteering Maps (ISSOM 2007).
Mapping has been done in the same style as in the official training maps and the model map. Controls may be guarded. The officials may or may not be located close to the control locations. Radio and TV controls are not specified on the control descriptions. Any structures made for TV cameras are not mapped. Legend are printed on the map. Additional slips with legend will be available 3 minutes before the starting time, except for the relay. The sprint course length is given as the shortest feasible route as specified by rule 16.3. The maps are in plastic bags (not sealed).
Start interval 90 seconds
First start, women: 10:01:00
First start, men: 12:01:30
Courses and terrain

Maps will be produced in offset print on paper in plastic bags (not sealed).
A ravine with side ravines on the left-hand bank of the Gauja River. Spruce forest, runnability varies from easy to difficult. Occasional undergrowth and fallen trees that obstruct the running. Height difference 85m. Roads of various categories.
The coaching zone and refreshments in the course are 800m from the finish.
All the competitors must travel directly to the quarantine Event Centre - Cēsis Primary School No. 2. Location 57.3090923, 25.2468215. Quarantine check-in will be located in the rear part of the school building (please follow the signs). Upon check-in, the competitors will be issued their number bibs and GPS vest against the presented accreditation card. Participants will stay indoors and will be transported to start area by bus according to schedule. The quarantine is a spacious sports hall with soft flooring. No entrance with outdoor or sports footwear. WC and water available; it is possible to do some outdoor training. It is not allowed for competitors to visit the arena before the start.
Athletes can leave their clothes and equipment to quarantine from where those will be transported to the team area at the arena. Team officials are allowed to enter the quarantine. After leaving the quarantine area, they are not allowed to return.

Team area
In the Arena, the team area will be in one large-size tent to be jointly used by all teams. The teams are free to put up their own tents after coordinating the place with the organisers.
Flower ceremony
The flower ceremony will be held approximately 5 minutes after the last runner has finished. The three best athletes should not leave the arena before the flower ceremony.
Prize-giving ceremony
The official prize-giving ceremony will be held after the official results have been approved. The athletes placed 1-6 are requested not to leave the Arena before the prize-giving ceremony.
Courses and terrain

Maps will be produced in digital print on paper in plastic bags (not sealed).
A ravine with side ravines on the left-hand bank of the Gauja River. Spruce forest, runnability varies from easy to difficult. Occasional undergrowth and fallen trees that obstruct the running. Height difference 85m. Roads of various categories.
All teams are to arrive at the Team Parking at the Arena Ozolkalns. Location 57.2943257, 25.2226746.
Quarantine is a tent 15x10m and 2 toilets. Quarantine is open from 9:00 till 10:00. At the quarantine check-in, competitors will be issued their number bibs and GPS vests against the presented accreditation card. Also, the competitors should collect their GPS devices allocated to their leg according to the line-up. The quarantine tent is located in the Arena. The runners of all legs should turn in their bags to the organisers no later than 3 minutes before the particular leg leaves the quarantine.

The runners of each leg will be invited to the exit from the quarantine tent. Numbers and SI-cards will be checked, and clear&check done. The competitors must do the SIAC test. After that, the competitor stays in the area between the SIAC check and the changeover area.
Pre-start times
1st leg - 9:50 2nd leg - 10:25 3rd leg- 11:00
1st leg - 11:50 2nd leg - 12:29 3 rd leg - 13:08
The arena-speaker will do a countdown: 60-30-15-10-5-3-2-1 seconds and give the start-sign. There is a marked route of 370m to the start-point.
The incoming runner crosses the finish line and continues to run 10 more metres till the marked changeover area. The changeover is done by touch. The runner goes through the marked section to get the map. The maps will be rolled and stacked on poles in number sequence. The runner collects the map and goes along the marked line to the start control flag.
After the changeover
The runner goes to have the SIAC chip read, then turns in the map to the organisers and gets a bottle of water. One or two runners from each leg may be invited to give an interview to media. After that the runners proceed to the finish tent. After having changed from the running clothes, the competitors leave the finish tent and leaves for the arena to join the spectators.
Coaching zone
The coaching zone is on the slope of the slalom hill. The zone is visible from the spectator area. Only persons with the adequate access marking on their accreditation card are allowed in the coaching zone.
Flower ceremony
The flower ceremony will be held approximately 5 minutes after the winning teams have finished. The three best teams should not leave the arena before the flower ceremony.
Prize-giving ceremony
The official prize-giving ceremony will be held after the official results have been approved. The teams placed 1-6 are requested not to leave the Arena before the prize-giving ceremony.

Start interval 60 seconds
First start Women: 9:01
First start Men: 10:01

Maps will be produced in digital print on paper in plastic bags (not sealed).
The southern part of the Cēsis city. The terrain features family houses, apartment houses and public buildings. The map covers a part the Old Town. Height difference 15 m
Controls may be guarded by officials during the competitions
Organisers and the police will be present in the areas where the course runs. Traffic will be closed in major streets and speed limit 30km/h introduced in other streets without closing the traffic. It is the runner’s responsibility to avoid collisions.
All the competitors must travel directly to the quarantine Event Centre - Cēsis Primary School No. 2. Location 57.3090923, 25.2468215. Quarantine check-in will be located in the rear part of the school building (please follow the signs). Upon check-in, the competitors will be issued their number bibs and GPS vest against the presented accreditation card. Participants will stay indoors and will be transported to start area by bus according to schedule. The quarantine is a spacious sports hall with soft flooring. No entrance with outdoor or sports footwear. WC and water available; there are warm-up possibilities.

It is not allowed for competitors to visit the arena before the start.
Athletes can leave their clothes and equipment to quarantine from where those will be transported to the team area at the arena. Team officials are allowed to enter the quarantine. After leaving the quarantine area, they are not allowed to return.
Team area
Team area is in Arena Cēsis consisting of 16 tents 3x3m. The runners’ clothes will be delivered from the pre-start to the team area.
Coaching zone
There is no coaching zone in Sprint qualifications.
Start interval 60 seconds
First start Women: 16:01
First start Men: 17:01
First start final B Women.Men: 18:01

Maps will be produced in offset print on paper in plastic bags (not sealed).
Old Town of Cēsis with city parks. Height difference 30 m.
Controls may be guarded by officials during the competitions.
Organisers and the police will be present in the areas where the course runs. Traffic will be closed in major streets and speed limit 30km/h introduced in other streets without closing the traffic. One can expect a large number of tourists in the Old Town and park. It is the runner’s responsibility to avoid collisions.
All the competitors must travel directly to the quarantine Event Centre - Cēsis Primary School No. 2. Location 57.3090923, 25.2468215. Quarantine check-in will be located in the rear part of the school building (please follow the signs). Upon check-in, the competitors will be issued their number bibs and GPS vest against the presented accreditation card. Participants will stay indoors and will be transported to start area by bus according to schedule. The quarantine is a spacious sports hall with soft flooring. No entrance with outdoor or sports footwear. WC and water available; there are warm-up possibilities.

It is not allowed for competitors to visit the arena before the start.
Athletes can leave their clothes and equipment to quarantine from where those will be transported to the team area at the arena. Team officials are allowed to enter the quarantine. After leaving the quarantine area, they are not allowed to return during the competition.
Team area
Team area is in Arena Cēsis consisting of 16 tents 3x3m. The runners’ clothes will be delivered from the pre-start to the team area
Coaching zone
There is no coaching zone in Sprint final.
Flower ceremony
The flower ceremony will be held approximately 5 minutes after the last runner has finished. The three best runners should not leave the arena before the flower ceremony.
Prize-giving ceremony
The official prize-giving ceremony will be held after the official results have been approved. The athletes placed 1-6 are requested not to leave the Arena before the prize-giving ceremony.
Information available on website: https://wcup2017.lv/Cesis-OPEN/